Crashes since last kernel updates

Since the Last 2 Updates from last 2 weeks the TikTok Website crashes in Chrome Browser.
That’s from the first one and the second doesn’t make it better.
It’s probably from something changed in the kernel.
I think I have seen 3 kernel versions in last update, so that oldest is probably the one before that updates, how can I activate that.
I have essentially bought the RK3399 since the TikTok Website always was unstable on RPI4 and after all kind of ChromeFlagsTweaking just wanted to try another hardware and it was more stable on the Rock, not completely, but useable.
But since that updates it crashes after few minutes always.

@RadxaYuntian please help to look into this issue.

Please provide the model number for your hardware.

Same, with rock 4c+ after upgrading to linux-image-5.10.110-37 there were random crashes/checksum errors all around… Downgrading to 5.10.110-35 fixed that.


Linux rock4 5.10.110-37-rockchip #27a257394 SMP Thu May 23 02:38:59 UTC 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux

How to change back to -35 for now?

You can download the package here:

Use sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb to install, then create /etc/apt/preferences.d/radxa-kernel-pin to stop apt from upgrading related packages:

Package: linux-headers-rock-4c-plus
Pin: version 5.10.110-35-8ee7c8a
Pin-Priority: 2000

Package: linux-image-rock-4c-plus
Pin: version 5.10.110-35-8ee7c8a
Pin-Priority: 2000

Finally use apt to remove kernel installed on your system, as they have a higher version number, and will be preferred by the boot process.

Isn’t the -35 Kernel and rootfs still on the system and I can change some config, so it’s booted?
Or only -36 now and -35 gone with update to -37?
Since the -37 update I get asked if I wan’t to remove the -35 headers and some more with autoremove.
So that should be still on the system.
May be I wait till @usatiuk tells what he have done.

radxa@rock4:/boot$ ls -1

I didn’t do anything with changing configs/pinning, I just removed the new kernel with sudo apt remove linux-image-5.10.110-37-rockchip:arm64 linux-headers-5.10.110-37-rockchip:arm64 and after it used the previous one I had installed (-35, so idk if -36 works fine or not)

H’m may be somebody know how to config -35 till the bug is fixed.
I don’t like to just remove -36 and -37 and hope -35 will run then
There is an dtbo and dtbo-old dir and dtbo-old seems to have date of -36.
I can try to move the -36 and -37 files to a subdir and give it a try.
If nothing works I can move the files back on another system.
Or best make a partition image and try after, should have done that before…

In /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf, there is default l0 that I assume specifies the default config to boot. You can try changing it to the label that has the older kernel there, maybe it will work…

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default l2
(= …35 ) boots …35 and my TikTok works again - Thank You

Would still recommend you to do the apt package pin, as otherwise it might be broken the next time you upgrade the kernel.

@Stephen might want to check what was changed between those 2 releases that cause TikTok to not working.

usatiuk told having other problems too, TikTok is my only use.
Quite demanding and probably not well programmed, especially Theatre Mode.
With that last kernels whole X crashed till relogin some times.

Yep, I was just updating my home server, and after updating the kernel, updating docker containers (pulling) was failing with various integrity/checksum errors, and existing containers would crash sometimes… After downgrade everything works fine so far

/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf comments say file autogerated, don’t change
So may be it is rewritten to default l0 - newest kernel on next kernel update anyway, but I will have a look on next update…

Todays update “radxa-firmware radxa-overlays-dkms”
seems not have improved .37 kernel, or is a new one.
I’ve tried .37 - same errors and haven’t seen some newer one.
I’m back to .35 again.

Same issue for us on multiple systems (5+).
With .37 and .38 we observe frequent integrity/checksum errors when pulling docker images.
Also communication with a USB zigbee dongle freezes randomly.

Also gave .38 a try after last updates 2-3 day ago, still crashes soon, back to .35

b39 fixed chromium crash issue.