Audio Support Rock Pi S

I presume your using an adafruit amp?

Its has a clock input, LR clock and use 3.3v & gnd so prob better to supply them.

If you do a LS of dir containing the dtdb you will find the actual dtb is called rk3308-rock-pi-s.dtb or something and not just as Baronets says.
Just adjust the file names so they are correct and reboot.

@jack @Stephen

Any chance we could have an I2S_0 Overlay so that it makes things a little easier :slight_smile:

Try the above as didn’t check about I2S and if it works I will leave you to work out if its 5V compat also.

Try this

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Have you solved your issue? Did you get your Mic to work? I struggle with the same issue. I cant find a working setup.

Hi @Stephen Can we do something similar with the Zero ?
I’ve started a thread so the community can benefit from the solution

Hi, @baronets, just wanna know if I wanna use multi-channel TDM recording, how I could setup the DTS ? do I need to modify the code in audio driver ?


Power Pan

Thanks @DIYprojectz for the instructions! Sound plays nicely :slight_smile:
I am still having a problem with setting volume - changing the volume in alsa-mixer has no affect.
All settings are on 0, yet sound still has volume when played!

$ uname -a
Linux rockpis 4.4.143-69-rockchip-g8ccef796d27d #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 14 12:32:20 UTC 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Any help how to control the volume via the command-line/alsa is most appreciated!

(also posted here: Rock PI S audio volume settings)

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Can you try installing PulseAudio and use pactl to control the volume:

pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1000

We are also looking to release a new system image for ROCK S soon. It will be based on the upstream Linux 6.1 kernel.

It was fixed some time ago, then break and fixed again. Someone reported working - with Armbian:

Current images don’t work yet (only automated daily builds) - has to be build from sources.

@igorp, Thanks for the info!
Unfortunately, building Armbian from source is beyond my capability :frowning:

If you don’t plan to change anything, it should be on end user level - similar to installing a Linux to the PC. I encourage you to try (instructions needs some update but in general this is it)

Also, at the bottom of the page there are auto generated images. Which should work. The only issue is, they are not officially support, can have unknown issues, but its worth trying. If this works, just wait for a release. Scheduled by the end of the month.

Im so thankfull for you helping out on this part of the board. Thank you.

I found your post by searching for a audio/file server for my HiFi setup:

Then I saw the RS308-D4 has i2S and I thought to myself. WOW! my dac also have this! but its HDMI formfactor.

is the Raxda modules output on the ETHERNET or the pins on the board, if the pins on the board. Possible to get a board/adapter so it will be possible to connect i2s/hdmi out?

@radxa, any news with the release of new system image for ROCK S?

Still need to work out NAND boot issue.

Is it safe to use latest build, e.g. Rock Pi S - 20230501-0032 if I’m not using NAND?

The changes have not been pushed into the pipeline.

Is it possible configure left ch to SDO0 and right ch to SDO1 for i2s0 8ch?
Where can i find info how channels mapped between SDOx for i2s, pcm and tdm?

The Rock Pi S has been in limbo for so long and received so many revisions it now gives more bad representation than sales at a guess.
Its such as shame as the S in being sound and audio had such great potential but for some reason the ADC decoupling caps where omitted on board.
Adding them after post gpio and not at Soc pin source is too late as all the board interference will be present and why they should be placed at pin source.

Likely it needs a rethink or maybe just EOL as the rk3308 wasn’t the fastest either due to memory implementation and the reduced clock speeds.

Hi everyone!

I have installed Armbian_23.8.1_Rockpi-s_bookworm_current_6.1.50
How to enable LINEOUT and MIC pins for analog audio?

Hi again!

Todays update:

Output audio from LINEOUT pins works fine with speaker-test!

What about the MIC pins for audio input?
To begin with I have tried to use the arecord command with these error messages…?


root@rockpi-s:~# arecord -f S16_LE -d 10 -r 16000 --device=“hw:0,0” test-mic.wav
Recording WAVE ‘test-mic.wav’ : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Mono
arecord: set_params:1358: Channels count non available


root@rockpi-s:~# arecord -f S16_LE -c 2 -d 10 -r 16000 --device=“hw:0,0” test-mic.wav
Recording WAVE ‘test-mic.wav’ : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Stereo
arecord: set_params:1416: Unable to install hw params:
RATE: 16000

Any suggestions?

Another update:

When doing the dmesg command it returns the following below.
How to interpret these error messages?

root@rockpi-s:~# dmesg
[ 375.793438] rockchip-i2s-tdm ff320000.i2s: ASoC: error at snd_soc_dai_hw_params on ff320000.i2s: -22
[ 375.793546] ff320000.i2s-rk3308-hifi: ASoC: error at __soc_pcm_hw_params on ff320000.i2s-rk3308-hifi: -22